Behind the scenes: Susan Xu

In the 2021 September newsletter we included an interview with Carlos Moran, Head of Training at ProSim-AR. Based in Costa Rica, Carlos is involved in positioning all ProSim products within training organisations and airlines for commercial and professional use. In this newsletter, we wanted to introduce Susan Xu, who is based in China and represents ProSim-AR and the sales of ProSim products within the Asian flight simulator market.

‘’When I was 20 years old, I wanted to study chemistry, but my mum said it was too dangerous.’’ Luckily for us, Susan switched to aviation. At one time Susan had hopes of becoming a pilot, although, just for fun and for the pleasure of flying. Her interest in aviation is still up in the air, but today her feet are firmly on the ground. When not working, Susan is a full-time mother, but at work she is passionate about spreading the word of ProSim.

After achieving her bachelor’s degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA), Susan moved from her home country of China to the UK to study for a PhD in Manufacturing Systems Technology at the University of Liverpool. Coincidently, this is where Susan was to meet her future husband to be, Robert, who at that time was studying for his PhD in Aviation.

On her return to China, together with Robert, in 2015 Susan set-up the business AXAviation. From being a new business venture, today AXAviation provides a comprehensive range of services that cover the core business of flight simulation. However, in 2015, Susan recognised that China didn’t have an abundance of Fixed Based Flight Training Device’s to enjoy the experience of flight or to use as a training facility. In 2018, Susan decided to open up her own shop with a Boeing 737 FTD – manufactured by AXAviation with ProSim software – for any aspiring pilots to try out the simulator and enjoy a flight experience. At this time, Susan became a customer of ProSim-AR.

‘’For the fixed based level, I really do think that ProSim is a very good product and is definitely one of a kind. There is no software in China comparable to ProSim.’’

Over the years Susan had attended various international trade events to promote AXAviation and in 2016 was to meet Hanne Koole, CEO ProSim-AR. Obviously sharing a mutual interest, Susan and Hanne were able to talk about business and products on the same level. Susan, by the way, speaks English very well and has the knowledge and background to communicate on both sides of the world. After meeting Hanne at several events, Susan thought ‘’I can help ProSim.’’ Two years later, Susan and Hanne finally sat down to discuss opening up ProSim China.

‘’ProSim China is mainly a sales office from where, on an average day, I talk to different airlines and institutes, and together with my team answer many enquiries about ProSim products. With a huge amount of marketing and by increasing education, ProSim is gradually becoming more known within the professional user market.’’ Air China is just one of the companies already using ProSim products and negotiations are ongoing with up to 15 other airlines. ‘’These airlines are our future.’’

In 2021, ProSim China was hugely successful at the CATF (China Aviation Training Forum) and Zhuhai Airshow – in particular with the ProSim FMS Trainer – and Susan is looking forward to be present again later this year.

We look forward to keeping you up to date with the development of ProSim in China. It was a pleasure to catch-up with Susan, and when she’s not playing Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox at home with her children, we hope to meet her at one of the industry events this year.