Finnish Aviation Academy (FINAA) incorporates the ProSim FMS Trainer
ProSim Training Solutions had the opportunity to talk to Sauli Kuortti, Head of Training and Janne Pöykiö, Chief Flight Instructor/Operations Manager from Finnish Aviation Academy, the latest pilot training organisation to use the ProSim FMS Trainer.
The academy was formerly known as Finnair Aviation Academy and operated between 1985 until 2002, when it became known as Finnish Aviation Academy and government owned.
Today, between 50 and 100 students per year pass through the academy, most of whom move on to Finnair or other Finnish airlines. The academy’s main focus is to train an individual with very little or no flight experience and create a competent, professional airline pilot. For this, an integrated ATPL programme is used to train the pilots to the level of proficiency required, and further into their training, a Jet Orientation Course which enables the trainee pilots to transition from flying on a SEP/MEP aircraft to their first type rating, Airbus A320 multi-crew aircraft. The academy also specialises in Type Rating Training for the Phenom 100 and Beechcraft King Air 300.
In total, the training programme comprises 2 years of training. Students begin by learning the principles of flight which are put to practise in a Cessna. With successful progression, the Diamond DA42 is used for instrument training. Alongside this, UPRT training is conducted in an Extra 300L and Cessna’s with aerobatic capability.
Towards the end of the training, the student pilot goes through the jet orientation training including Type Rating Computer Based Training for the Airbus A320. Much time is spent by the student in the fixed base simulator to become more familiar with the flight deck itself and the location of various panels, switches, buttons and displays. To compliment the flight deck training, the academy also use the ProSim FMS Trainer.
By having access to the ProSim FMS Trainer, this can save up to 10 hours, per student, of time that would normally be spent in the simulator, thus proving to be an extremely valuable training tool. Outside of instructor training, students are able to practise at any time, either in the evenings or at the weekends, as computer devices and the A320 simulator is freely available. Throughout the training, when a student is taking part in specific programmes, having these facilities available is a great advantage.
In reference to the FMS Trainer, Janne, ‘’It’s easy to use and comes with an excellent backup support service from ProSim, if and when required.’’ Sauli, ‘’In Finland, if you don’t get any complaints, it means that it’s a really good device, and we’ve had no complaints!’’
FMS Trainer: (